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Introducing: Tetrahedron Games Tabletop

Updated: Mar 9, 2020

Tetrahedron Games was founded in 2016. Our first game Valhal was successfully funded on Kickstarter in late 2017 and since then we have established Tetrahedron Games as a boardgame publisher.

In 2020 we will be launching some first projects in the neighbouring branch of Miniature/Wargaming, establishing Tetrahedron Games Tabletop as a manufacturer of unique and high quality Terrain and Miniatures.

Utilizing a small farm of SLA-3D-Printers we are able to provide highly detailed models in unique shapes that often are impossible to achieve with conventional injection molding. All models are printed in one piece, so there is no assembly or glue involved. Take your piece out of the box, paint it if you like to, and get busy playing!

And if you don't have the time, skill or motivation for painting either, we can also get that out of the way for you, as all models are also available in a pre-painted version! Our goal is to make Miniature Gaming in an amazing environment as accessible as possible, without the needs to spend hundreds of hours or obscene amounts of money.

As with our Boardgames, Tetrahedron Games Tabletop is not only about great design, but also has an inventive spirit and vision. So we don't just design and manufacture outstanding pieces, we also offer unique variations including light fixtures and magnetic bases with detachable terrain to allow for an easier game while using elaborate terrain options.

By using 3D-Printers instead of injection molding as a manufacturing solution, we are not bound to certain sizes or sales volumes, what allows us to offer a wide variety of products for a comparably low price. But not only that, we also take custom requests that can be manufactured to order and be delivered within days for only a small additional fee.

Tetrahedron Games Tabletop will launch as a Kickstarter Project in Q2 of 2020 and feature a variation of Space- as well as Ground-Terrain alongside some solo Miniatures.

Of course this will only be the start, as we are constantly developing more terrain for additional environments and genres, so you can expect at least one more Tetrahedron Games Tabletop Kickstarter before the end of 2020.

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© 2017-2019 by Tetrahedron Games GbR

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